EU funds secure SIWI business development

Danish SIWI Maskiner ApS has been granted funding for testing and market maturation of the company’s products in the program SME instrument H2020 under the European Commission. In 2018 alone, the program had a budget of EUR 480 million for business support of small and medium-sized enterprises with ambitions for growth and internationalization.
Support is provided for the entire innovation process, and the SME instrument is therefore divided into three phases:
• Phase 1: Concept development and preliminary study of idea (grant: EUR 50,000)
• Phase 2: Product development and testing (grant: EUR 0.5-2.5 million)
SIWI, which develops and produces fully automatic Hitch-Systems for primarily the agricultural sector, has in 2017 applied for the SME instrument phase 1 and has been granted funds of EUR 50,000 for concept development and preliminary study of ideas.
– As a second step for further business development applied for funding through the SME instrument’s phase 2 and has been granted a total of DKK 2.1 million. As a second step for further business development applied for funding through the SME instrument’s phase 2 and has been granted a total of DKK 2.1 million. for precisely market maturation, upscaling of production as well as commercialization of the technology.
-SMV instrument has given us “full value for money” These EU funds have become crucial to the development of our product, at the same time can speed up the process of entering the market in the EU28 as well as 3-party countries that we have determined as primary areas. These include Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Canada USA, says Steen N. Jensen, Sales and Marketing Director at Siwi Maskiner.
This project has received funding under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program, Agreement No 849131-SIWI.